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The Pastor-Elders use this page to share spiritual encouragement, insights, and announcements.

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See Your World with New Eyes

There's a well-known proverb that talks about the words we use. You heard it on the playground as a kid. Maybe you came crying into the house and your parents tried to encourage you with this proverb. It goes like this -sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Author Wayne Mack says that this is "one of the biggest lies ever foisted on the h...

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5 Biblical Encouragements for Depressed Believers

It is okay to cry, grieve, and mourn. Some feel guilty for feeling sad. Yet sadness or grief aren't feelings we should suppress. Sorrow is one of the clearest expressions of our humanity. In fact, many of us don't grieve and lament enough about the things God expects us to. Please read from Blake Boylston:

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Youth Need Theology

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How Should Christian Parents Educate Their Children?

You may have asked this very important question about your own family. Should I home school my kids? Should I send my kids to a public school? to a Christian school? It may come as a surprise that Orchard has an official view on that subject. Our view is this: we adamantly do NOT take a position! We believe this is a matter of parental conscience, something for each fami...

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Being a Father isn't Easy, but it is Simple

Great wisdom for fathers: Posted ...

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The Missing Ingredient in our Parenting

Parents, letscare more about character in our children than about "external badges of honor"! Please read this importantarticle: Posted

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Sustained in Suffering


We need to hear from God's Word now more than ever, to encourage us and show us how to cling to Him in the midst of our pain....

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There is No "Just" in the Body of Christ


Here is an insightful article copied from: A couple of months ago, I was invited to a church to help lead their annual leader training. At this annual meeting, they eat dinner together, talk about their overall ministry philosophy and goals, and then break out into age segments for more directed and specific training. During the dinn...

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Fostering a Gospel-Centered Family

If you missed our Sunday Nights @Orchard parenting class, you can listen to all three sessions here:

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Every Member Ministry

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit" 1 Corinthians 12:4...

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