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Mark 10:45 is a very simple verse but look for the two backward statements Jesus makes. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Today, I want you to remember that you and I, and all humanity after Adam and Eve, were born into captivity – to sin and spiritual death. All of us

Why does Paul talk so much about foolishness and wisdom, folly vs power, over and over in these verses? What is his point and why does he feel the need for so much repetition to hammer his point home?

Waiting with Patient Hope

We need to hear from God's Word now more than ever, to encourage us and show us how to cling to Him in the midst of our pain.

Many of us are wrestling with what the Lord would have us do in the upcoming election. Who should we vote for?

Is there trouble anywhere? Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Each year the elders select areas of focus, in prayerful consideration of how the Lord is leading us as a church in obedience to Him. Our two areas for 2016 are outreach and holiness.

Morning Dedication

Is John 3:16 an extreme verse?