The Orchard Home Groups ministry seeks to provide a venue for members of Orchard Bible Church to connect with one another, care for one another, and to grow in God's grace with one another.


Connect with one another. We often experience relationships in growing number faster than any of our relationships are growing in depth. Home groups are here to help you connect with others at Orchard in a deeper and more meaningful way.

Care for one another. Home groups are the ‘first defense’ in our day to day lives. Whether it be practical needs like meals upon the arrival of a new child or spiritual needs like prayer for a difficult life situation, home groups aid in allowing the church to be “the church” during the week.

Grow in God's grace with one another. Studying God’s word together and seeking to apply it to our lives is a critical aspect of being a disciple of Jesus.


Each group has flexibility to decide when to meet and the format, but all groups will have a time of fellowship to help us connect, prayer to help us care for one another, and time in the word of God to help us grow in God’s grace.

For general questions or to find a home group in your area contact: Ben Lewis 484-354-5658 ben@orchardbible.org