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Is There Enough for Me?
We’ve all been at a BBQ or a party, super hungry and surrounded by other starving people. Our eyes settle on the one thing that we really want to eat. It’s sitting there in the open, with no protection from these greedy people. We ask ourselves, “Is there enough for me?” Will there be any tender, juicy, smoky brisket left on the plate by the time it comes around to me? Or will it be gone?
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Sustained in Suffering
We need to hear from God's Word now more than ever, to encourage us and show us how to cling to Him in the midst of our pain.
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Back to School! What does that mean?
It may come as a surprise that we do have an official view on the subject of home schooling, Christian schooling, or public schooling.
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The Power of Light - Part 1
Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Eph 5:8 For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
Keep ReadingEvangelism for Introverts
I am an introvert. Maybe you are too. Have you ever felt you are at a disadvantage when it comes to evangelism? You are not alone. Here are five suggestions for helping introverts thrive in evangelism from Adam McHugh's book "Introverts in the Church"
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Orchard LAUNCH this Sunday!!
By God's grace, Orchard Bible Church will launch THIS Sunday!
Keep ReadingPursuing holiness: Is Jesus knocking at your door?
Pursuing holiness: Is Jesus knocking at your door?
Keep ReadingJun 15