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Insights & Encouragement

The Pastor-Elders use this page to share spiritual encouragement, insights, and announcements.

Insights & Encouragement

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Pastor Reflections - Nate

Here's a short encouragement for you from your elders - this time in a video from Nate. We pray you are strengthened and blessed by God's Word this week! Slaves to Sin or Righteousness ...

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Pastor Reflection - Ben

Why Moms Rule This Sunday is Mother's Day. The day when we honor our mothers, show our gratitude, and, of course, take them out to eat. Well going out to eat won't happen this year, but hopefully next year Texas Roadhouse's across the US will be slammed because it's one ofourfavorite places to eat (Dad's note: that's a joke. Donottake your wife to Texas Roadhouse for Moth...

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Pastor Reflections - Reed

All I Have To Do Is Follow "Just follow these cows", my dad said as henudged his horse into a quick trot. "I'll meet up later down the trail". I knew it was futile to ask any clarifying questions as he quickly disappeared around the bend. So I asked my horse: "Now what? How long am I supposed to 'Just follow these cows'? What if the cows go the wrong way? What if we ...

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Pastor Reflections - Lars

Matthew 25:1 "Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. 5As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. 6But at midnight there...

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Pastor Reflections - Nate

Waiting with Patient Hope ...

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Pastor Reflections - Lars

Pastor Reflections - Lars...

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All Things Held Together

If all a person did was read the news the last couple weeks one would think the wheels are falling off, that the world's falling apart.. The economy is crashing, sickness is rampant and killing people, people are out of jobs and this is just the beginning they are telling us. The coronavirus forecast changes for the worse more times in a day than the weather forecast durin...

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5 Biblical Encouragements for Depressed Believers

It is okay to cry, grieve, and mourn. Some feel guilty for feeling sad. Yet sadness or grief aren't feelings we should suppress. Sorrow is one of the clearest expressions of our humanity. In fact, many of us don't grieve and lament enough about the things God expects us to. Please read from Blake Boylston:

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Youth Need Theology

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What the Bible really says about sharing the Gospel...

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