Many of us are wrestling with what the Lord would have us do in the upcoming election. Who should we vote for? The elders normally do not publicly weigh in on this matter of personal action and conscience. But we felt we would be remiss to not provide any help as each of you work out your decision over the next few weeks. We offer you an article and a website that helped us as we worked through our own decisions.
Seeking Clarity in this Confusing Election Season: Ten Thoughts | TGC from Kevin DeYoung is an excellent article that emphasizes Godly perspectives. It reminds us of the privilege and responsibility we each have to vote and to do so thoughtfully. DeYoung also reminds us to have unity with our brothers and sisters as they do what they believe is best. is a quick quiz of the issues which may help direct you to a candidate that best fits your views, without limiting your decision to the two major parties. Note that it doesn't account for the possibility that candidate could change their position once in office nor does it address issues of character and integrity. With those caveats, you might find it helpful to refine your own thinking and to find a candidate that fits.
Ultimately the consequences of this election rest with our sovereign God - even this election, its outcome and the subsequent fallout are all under his providence. With that knowledge, we as his children can vote our conscience and know that he is in charge of the results.
~Posted by the Orchard Elders
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