What is the gospel?

The word “gospel” means “good news”. The gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ and his kingdom. Sin has corrupted all creation. As a result, there is much wrong with the world. God sent Jesus to set the world right.

Our Creator God is perfectly righteous. We are not. We are sinners who have rebelled against his holiness and Lordship. God is our judge and is perfectly just. He requires that our sin against him be punished in hell for eternity. However, God is also perfect in love. In the richness of his mercy and grace, he demonstrated his love for us by sending his Son Jesus to live, to die, and to rise again in our place. Jesus came to take the penalty of sin on our behalf and pay it in full. This he accomplished through his death on the cross for all who would cling to him in faith. We can be made right with God through Jesus.

Now he calls us to believe in him – to repent of our sins and put our trust in Jesus so that we can be forgiven and saved for eternity. Believers also receive his Holy Spirit in order to live the life he desires for us. With Jesus as our Savior and Lord we become a part of his inaugurated kingdom and long for its consummation when he returns. We will enjoy him forever.

This is the good news about Jesus.
This is the gospel.